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Item Title Type Subject Creator Publisher Date
415Edison Triumph Phonograph
  • Object, Phonograph
  • none
  • Edison Phonograph Company
  • 1901 - 1902
Triumph phonograph made by the Edison Phonograph Company. Includes an oak box with a crank handle and a large morning glory horn with painted flowers and leaves. Decal on box reads "Edison Triumph Phonograph".
144Victor Talking Machine
  • Object, Phonograph
  • none
  • Victor Talking Machine Company
  • 1911
Victrola made of oak, hinged top and compartment with two doors for record storage. Logo on inside of lid shows a dog listening to a Talking Machine with the text: "Victrola manufactured by Victor Talking Machine Co Camden, N.J. U.S.A Patented in united states and foreign countries".